FabFilter User Forum

Pro-C2 GUI display range


Something which bothers me slightly with C2 is how the displayed range (eg. 36db, 18db) for the meters takes up the full range of the GUI. So if you lower the threshold a reasonable amount the transfer curve is hidden behind the compression controls. This is totally different to Q2 where the controls occupy their own space below the specified display range.

Maybe it's just that I tend to run my signal quite low into the plugin, but it's annoying because I either get a good view of the GR or a good view of the transfer curve and incoming signal. But rarely both, and seems like an odd decision because you select a range but you can only practically see half of that range.

Just some thoughts...


Hi Ross,

We made the design decision to let the knee curve use the same level range as the level meters and the level display, allowing you to visually align them. The drawback of course is that part of the knee curve can be hidden, but if that bothers you, can you always choose the next bigger display range. And remember that you can also resize Pro-C 2 if you want to see more detail!


Frederik (FabFilter)

Makes sense I guess. I've found a good set-up at 72db scale and medium size that is working for me.


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