FabFilter User Forum
Pro-MB, sidechain suggested improvement
I'm intrigued... Could you give a practical example where you use this and how?
Many thanks,
1. Let's say you have an instrument that's pretty bassy, fine on it's own but when the main bass instrument kicks in, it's too much by a couple of dbs.
In that case you want to sidechain the offending low band on the instrument... but what if when the bass isn't playing, you want the same band with same settings to act as normal?
You want the low band to act as normal but with extra push controlled by the bass sidechain...
2. on the master or on buses when you want a particular element such as the vocal to drive some band(s) a bit more than the rest of the mix. This video explains something similar: www.youtube.com/watch?v=ey2v8ZEjjcY
Thanks so much 3ee, great video, very cool idea (I'm definitely going to try it!) and to be able to do it with a single compressor and no external buses would certainly improve workflow and reduce clutter, so a big +1 from me, and not just for Pro-MB but also Pro-C2 of course.
I have a simple yet elegant idea about the sidechain selection within Pro-MB
Expert mode reveals a choice of either internal or external signal.
A proposed improvement would be a slider between the two.
If the slider would be set in the middle, a blend of both signals will feed the sidechain.
That way you can use the processing as normal but still receive external signals to blend in.
If the benefits of this isn't too obvious, I'll explain... but basically it saves the hassle of having and setting up 2 instances of Pro-MB saving CPU, ram and time... and feels a natural upgrade to the system at least IMO ;)
Idea inspired by the way it's done within u-he Presswerk, once you get used to it, you can't live without it! :)