FabFilter User Forum

Fabfilter pro Q-2 causing crash

hi guys,

So I kind of solved my problem with my random crashes in FL 12 that ive been looking for days without progress.
The problem was while loading a project the cpu went to 100 and were up there until FL crashes.
Project had just 6 synths and effect plugins on the mixer.
Finally it came down to the fabfilter plugins(had 10-12 pro Q-2 and 2 pro c-2).

Changed the graphic acceleration in regedit to 0 which fixed the problem, thank god but it made the display spectrum waves lagging while moving around the EQ bands which bugging me to death. Notice that the plugin itself is not lagging but Its just of the graphic acceleration to 0.

my question is basically if its a fix to make the waves in the display not lag and go back to normal?
or even if its a way around without changing the graphic acceleration at all?

got the i7 3770K CPU and asus 660ti GPU


forgot one thing. This was all created in 64bit version of FL and the funny thing is, it works normally in the 32bit version but still got all my plugins in 64bit. So it works with 30ilbridge.exe processors going on while 64bit doesnt works at all by the problem that I mentioned above.


Having a similar issue with the 64bit, I do recall 32bit being awesome in Fl11.

With FL12, using 64bit I'm getting 20% CPU usage from ProQ2 at default setting. (CPU based on FL's CPU meter)


There's a known problem with our VST3 plugins in FL Studio 12.2 that causes crashes. We're going to release updated plugins that fix this, but in the mean time you should use our VST2 plugins instead.

Graphics acceleration doesn't have anything to do with this -- unless something else is going on on your system. So you should try enabling graphics acceleration again, and use the VST2 plugins instead. Or wait for our update. :-)


Frederik (FabFilter)

Hi, I have SONAR Platinum , and somtime when I want to use FabFilter Pro-Q 2 SONAR freezes !? should I do the same thing ? how do I "use the VST2 instead, what you mean by that ? I am for certain going to buy the Izotope mastring software, this should not happen with a software in this pricerange !!

per gunnar merakerli

Hi Per,

Have you tried to disable graphics acceleration?

If the problem persists, please send us a detailed bug report via email and we'll look into it more closely.


Frederik (FabFilter)

Hi. The vst 2 plugins are definitely still locking up my os. Mainly the pro q 2. I am running it in 32 bit also and it is still doing it.

Im not sure why it would do this. With graphics acceleration set to 0 it is still doing it with more than 3 instances open.

It seems to mainly be a gpu problem (maybe cpu seeing it shows flatlines at 100%) but i noticed the audio still plays as its frozen. this to me seems like its more of a graphics driver issue.

I need to figure this out asap. I have a project I NEED to open and it is locking my os everytime i do so.

Edison Cole

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