FabFilter User Forum

Pro-C2 Feature Request - Compression Style Arrows

It would be nice if the compression styles had arrows that you could click to quickly advanced through and audition different styles faster versus having to open the style menu every time, which is a bit cumbersome. Having the menu is great when you need to move from one that's a decent distance, but for quick auditioning of all of them, some arrows to go forward and back would be great... they could go on either side of the word "style." Just an idea.

Joseph LYons

Hi Joseph,

Thanks for this feature request! Interesting idea indeed. We'll see what we can do in a future update!

Floris (FabFilter)

Awesome, I only ask because I found that using other styles sometimes worked for situations that I wouldn't expect. For instance, I was having trouble getting some major transient attack from pro c2, even with slower attacks in punch setting until someone suggested to use the pumping style... That setting has massive amounts of attack with slower attacks, I would've never thought to try this style... Having the arrows means I could check all styles very quickly to see if a style had a secret hiding in it.

Thanks for replying and showing an interest in the idea.

Joseph Lyons

Tip: you can also use the mouse wheel on the style button to switch to the next/previous style.


Frederik (FabFilter)

Sweet. Thanx for the tip, Frederik.


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