FabFilter User Forum

Pro-C2 Mid/Side Compression

Demoing C2 - loving it. Although I'm a bit confused about the stereo linkage of the sidechain. You can decouple the L+R at 0%, fully couple them at 100%, or treat a selectable mid-only, side-only, mid-feeding-side-only, or side-feeding-mid-only, at "200%".

Is there no way to do a true Mid/Side compression? Like the decoupled L+R, but with decoupled M+S?

If my understanding is correct you would need two instances of C2 - one doing only mid compression, the other doing only side compression. Where as in C1 you could just switch to mid/side and turn the independent sidechain rings to mid and side respectively.


Hi Ross,

You're 100% right. It's true that Pro-C v1 provided more flexibility in its side-chain options, but we felt it was very hard to understand what was happening exactly. It wasn't straightforward to set up common scenarios such as fully linked, fully unlinked, compressing just the mid part, etc. That's why we've chosen to simplify things in Pro-C 2.

If you do want unlinked M/S compression, you should indeed use two instances, one set to full Mid, and the other to full Side compression. And this also allows you to choose different compression settings for M and S.


Frederik (FabFilter)

Awesome, thanks for confirming! I can understand the logic behind that.


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