FabFilter User Forum

Fabfilters new direction

Fabfilter is updating their plugins and charging for it. Don't get me wrong, great plugins and I love them. But they are also not that great. Does anyone remember the background noise introduced by Pro Q 2? And also, who in gods name needs all these features? What happened to good simple and effective mixing? Yes the features are innovative and new, but do they really have a big impact on your mix? And when you introduce something like 96db filter slopes, why not introduce them on ALL plugins by updating them like you did in the past with Twin 2, Volcano 2, Timeless 2 etc? I'm not updating, sorry..

I would much rather see something new and fresh like a software sampler with FF touch!


I think they are adding features that are user requests + functionality to be competitive. ProC needed some work and look what they did with it.

I probably use 15% of the functionality of any one plugin, but appreciate the advanced features because that negates the need to instantiate another plugin.


Seriously? The update of the Pro-Q2 was amazing and i am using all of the new features in various mixing situations. This plug-ins manage to be simple to use with a vast range of functions when needed. Perfect blend.
And the price for the update is very gentle ... look at UA. A new model for an existing channelstrip with a slightly better sound and you have to pay 149$ again. FF is very fair in comparison.

And btw ... nobody needs another software sampler ;-)

Chris L.

Pro C 2 is a new compressor virtually, way more than a simple upgrade. There will always be wingers, if you feel its not adding any new features then don't buy it. Personally I think they have upped the ante yet again with this product , the original was released in 2007 !!!!! Now on to Timeless 3


"Fabfilter is updating their plugins and charging for it."

Like all software companies...


Pro Q2 update was free though... And pro C2 isn't an update, it's a total overhaul that's got over twice the features of the original, of course they have to charge for it; they put in just as much work as they would making a new plugin. And it's cheap... I don't see your point. If they released a pro C2.1 that fixes bugs in the original and charged for it, then I'd agree that that's dodgy, but that's not happening as far as I know.


it always amazes me when people seem to forget the thousands of man hours that go into research and programming for software...it's like saying "ah yes, I see my grass has gotten longer and there are weeds all over the place...doesn't quite fit my yard like it used to...we should call the landscaper and see if he can spruce up the yard for free since he charged us last time"


I have many many plugins from many manufactures. for example i had to rebuild my AU cache file with a rescan in Logic Pro. it said I had 958 plugins (including components). just to give you a sense of my arsenal.

fabfilter plugins are amazing. they would be in my top 3 list of bundle suggestions to someone for sure. although a friend was asking me for surround recommendations and i wanted badly to suggest ff... i digress... its a style thing. for me fabfilter provides a very visually immersive experience to me when working on music that somethings i need to get what i want. other times the 'ol timey style say of nomad factory will fit the bill. but there are very few immersive UI options out there where the visualization and the tactile interface work so effectively together as fabfilter. they bring me "into the music" which i sometimes need. yes they need to tame the noise which would be great to happen sooner than later.

but. they arent for everyone. its great for people like me who appreciate and rely on the approach fabfilter is taking with plugins. they really compliment my plugin arsenal and give me a different way to work on, and see, music.


"... music that somethings i need to get what i want" ='"...music that sometimes i need in order to get what i want"

typing on an ipad while being distracted by squirrels

ability to edit posts


Regarding the quality of FF, that's an unfair statement in my opinion...When you want transparent surgical eq or multiband compression,FF are up there with the very best...If you feel it's not a good deal for you, you're of course entitled and justified to your own choices and opinions..


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