FabFilter User Forum

Pro DS causes audio pops on automation write

This may be too early to tell for sure but I thought I would start a thread to see if any one else has had any issues.

We have two separate digital out put chains. Most of the DSes are on the Dail chain playback and sub masters auxes. When the Mixer captures the desired setting and flips all tracks to write mode an audible pop/bump happens on the Music chain where the automation started. If I mute the dial chain i still hear it on the music chain. If I turn the automation on the dial chain to off it goes away. If I remove the DS plugin it also goes away.

Anyone experience anything like this. This is very odd and i need some new idea's on how to trouble shoot this.




Hi Gordon,

Very strange! We haven't had any other reports of this issue. Please e-mail us with any additional info and if possible audio snippets/examples and we'll investigate!

Floris (FabFilter)

I'm going to try a very stripped down and rebuilt scenario of the Mix session that it was happening in and see if i can recreate it. I could send you the Pro tools session?

I'll keep you posted thanks



We are having a similar issue. It seems to be related to the Pro DS changing state from bypass to active, or the threshold automation changing or both.


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