FabFilter User Forum

Pro-Q2 feature requests

- On the bell filter I would really like 18dB per octave as an option.

  • Set filter type of each filter individually, not whole plugin. (Having 4 instances, one for l&R, <&S in linear phase and minimum phase gets quite irritating, especially when I want to compare each filter one by one)
  • Slope of 4dB per octave on the graph.
  • Left & Right / Mid & side graphs.


Really like this plugin :D great work. I'll try izotope which I think has these features, and decide who gets my money..if only it could be spent twice.... :(


Hi Steve,

Thanks for the ideas! 18 dB/octave is unfortunately not possible for bell filters, and certain other types: these always need to be a multiple of 12. I believe Izotope doesn't offer a slope selection at all for bell-type filters.

We've thought about setting the filter type for each filter separately, but since you can achieve the same effects with two instances, we decided to leave this out for simplicity. Same applies to separate L/R and M/S analyzer displays. Although we might decide to introduce this later as an option.


Frederik (FabFilter)

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