FabFilter User Forum

Pro CS

Let me dream a big dream... A Fabfilter channelstrip plugin with a dedicated hardware controller... :)


Hi Brun,

Great dream. A channel strip plug-in is on our wish list... but what did the dream tell about that hardware controller? What features would it have? :-)

Floris (FabFilter)

Yeah, a FabFilter hardware controller could be awesome I think! One great feature would be something like steinbergs AI knob in good quality. this is theoretically a useful tool for mixing, but it is (from cmc-series) just too imprecise and "not-real" feeling, so I don't use it. Also great would be the possibility to use it as main/basic controller handling the daws play-,stop-,rec-button etc. (maybe sending letters which can be assigned to these buttons), it also sends midi that I can set individually to the controllers high-quality endless knobs. And when I dream on it provides a very quick access to the different plugins in the mix and easy changing between them. well, actually thats not the most important thing, because basically I would like a controller for my left hand that fits well with working with my mouse with the other hand...


...and when I think about it, to be able to use it as a "two-hand controller" as well would be fantastic. For example working with pro-q, with no need to look at my monitor could be helpful to better judge what I actually do with the sound.


To be honest, I would focus just on the channelstrip... there are a lot of great daw controllers out there.

I was thinking about something unique, simple and really "specific".

Something like: select the instance on your daw, turn on what you need (G, Q, C, MB, L), tweak the sound and then move on to the next channel...

let's dream on: DSP processing, thunderbolt connection, rack mountable :-)


for me rack mountable is not important but I really like the idea of vertically mounted knobs.



dedicated hardware controller for fabfilter plugins...I just dreamed of that as well.


Sorry to raise a long dead thread here, but better than posting a new one...
Maybe an iOS and Android App would be the way to go?
It could recognise the different instances of all plugins loaded through the session and lay them out in a channel strip format on the tablet, depending on what is loaded on that particular track.
Basically allowing full project overview and control, but keeping the FabFilter look and feel, but with added touch controls.


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