FabFilter User Forum

Multiple side chains with Pro-C

Hi fab-filter,

In a windows 7 64 bit environment a Cubase 8.0.10 build 427 DAW is run.
Goal is to mix a band with multiple side chains using fab-filter Pro-C.
One side chain is running. On a kick track an insert with Fab Pro-C is placed. The Pro-C plug-in is set to external side chaining.
The side chain track is a bass. The direct out of the bass track is routed to the side chain track of the fab filter pro-c plug in. Now the kick en bass are working together.

Goal is a second side chain on an instrument subgroup channel with an vocal subgroup channel.

All instruments are routed to the instrument subgroup channel. All Vocals are routed to the vocal subgroup channel. On the instrument channel a insert is set with a compresser Fab-C. Side chain is set to external on this insert compressor.

Now the issue: When i want to route the direct outs of the subgroup channel vocals to the external side-chain Pro-C insert of the instrument channel, the only side chain routing of the kick is shown.

Is this a bug or is it a routing issue?

Thanx in advance,
Bij voorbaat dank,

Rudy de Heer

R.N. de Heer

Hi Fabfilter

Apologies i forgot to activate the side chain.

Problem solved!

R.N. de Heer

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