FabFilter User Forum

i7 or xeon for FF plugins

Does the FabFilter plugins take advantage of multicores cpu?
I just wonder if a 8 cores i7 4.5 ghz will give me more instances of plugins than dual 18 cores xeon 2.6 ghz.
and another thing with i7 i can go up to 64G ram, while xeon can go up to 512G ram.
1. What is more important, the frequency or the number of cores?
2. Does the amount of ram interfere on number of instances?
3. the comunication between 2 cpus(xeon) create latency?

I'm talking about fabfilter aax native plugins with Pro tools 11 as host daw.

ps: Never have used FF plugins, also don't know how they sound, but they look so great, the workflow, the resources it's just amazing. i am trying to convince the guys(partners) to go native, which they hate beyond the latency thing. So FF is the goal(we use only aax dsp). To do so we are about to by a new machine(never worry about machine before because of the dsp law here), so as example consider a common project with just 128 audio tracks with maybe 5 to 8 plugins per track @ 96khz. most of then will be handle by the hdx card.

Marcelo Viana

Hi Marcelo,

The management of how multiple cores are used, is actually not the responsibility of a plug-in, but of the OS or the host. We don't have any control over that.

Normally, more cores means that you will be able to instantiate more plug-ins, but most of the time that relation ship isn't linear (earlier Pro Tools versions used to have quite poor multi-core management... but that has improved now).

The amount of RAM can indeed limit the number of possible instances, but I'm quite sure you'll never hit that limit - most of our Pro plug-ins are properly optimized for CPU and RAM usage.

The fact that your computer has multiple CPU cores, does not affect latency being introduced. These things have nothing to do with each other.

But most of all: don't worry about it. With a modern computer like youi describe, you'll be able to instantie a LOT of Pro-Q 2's for example... probably more than you need :-)


Floris (FabFiter)

Hi Floris, i also read the e-mail you send me, we really appreciated that.
As i told before always working with dsp didn't notice that was the daw who handle this task.

DSP plugins have dsp processors to work, so isn't uncomon to have in plugins sites, how many instances of each plugins you are suposed to work with each dsp core.

In native we(with your help) figure it out that the plugin(native) is just one procedure of the daw, in this case pro tools.

So we go to Avid now to get the answers remaining on this matter.

Thank you so much.

Marcelo Viana

Yep they are ultra CPU efficient even in Oversampling mode, the only one who tends to be CPU-vorous is multi-band abuse of Saturn in oversampling mode.


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