FabFilter User Forum

FabFilter Pro-MB 1.11 and Pro-Q 2.03 bug-fix updates released

Hi all,

We've just released a bug-fix update for both FabFilter Pro-MB and Pro-Q 2. This fixes various bugs and small visual issues that surfaced since the December 2014 update (which introduced Retina support and added numerous FabFilter Pro-MB features).

We recommend everyone to update to these latest versions:

More info here:


Frederik (FabFilter)


Do either of these updates improve stability in Wavelab 8.5.20 on OSX?

I'm still having crashes when rending files in a Wavelab montage where FF is present on audio clips, accompanied by UAD and Pro-L on the montage master.

Justin Perkins

Not sure if the update was supposed to address the issue discussed here (www.fabfilter.com/forum/2337/pro-q-2-202-update-knobs-bug?replies=6#comment7690), but I unfortunately still have the issue after this update (running Ableton Live 9.1.7 on Yosemite).


Sorry, I have confused two different bugs/threads, so please ignore the above comment.

What I was referring to was this issue: www.fabfilter.com/forum/2283/pro-q-q-bug?replies=4#comment7642

But I see now that you have already commented in that thread.



@Justin: Unfortunately we haven't been able to reproduce the problem in Wavelab. At the moment we believe it to be a problem in UAD and/or Wavelab.

@Jesper: We've confirmed with Ableton that this is an issue in Live 9 and they are working on a fix.


Frederik (FabFilter)

I think the new version of Pro MB is responsible for causing some pops and clicks placed on my master bus. Is anyone else experiencing this?


Hi Fredrick,

I understand that you think the crash could be from UAD or Wavelab but I can't rule out FF just yet.

I've done hundreds of test renders to pinpoint the problem and FabFilter is still part of the cause. I feel that it could be due to using a preset in a FF plugin. If I recreate all steps but substitute FF for Waves for example, I don't get the crash.

The other reason I think this is I still get the bug where if I am playing audio in a montage, insert a FF plugins, and load a preset, the audio becomes very jittery and broken sounding.

I've sent examples of this to you awhile ago. Please let me know if you can revisit this. It would maybe require investing in the least expensive UAD card to test along with UAD.


Justin Perkins

Hi Justin,

I'm going to try to get a UAD system here to test with. We'll keep you updated when we find something... Unfortunately, we haven't received any other reports about the issue in the mean time :-/

Floris (FabFiter)

Hi Fredrick,

Thanks for taking the extra effort on the UAD system. I know it's a probably a very rare issue, but maybe it could lead to some other findings. I'm using Wavelab 8.5.20 64-bit on OSX 10.9.5 and the VST-3 version FF plugins. UAD is surprisingly still VST-2 only.

To recreate the crash in a Wavelab montage, you must have Pro-Q2 inserted on an audio clip, and then UAD on the montage master (I normally use UAD BAX EQ here) followed by FabFilter Pro-L as the last insert on montage master. There is a montage master and a global master section for the entire app, please be sure to use the montage master within the montage. I leave the global master section empty and set to 0dB.

I could even send you a test montage where I can reproduce the crash if that helps.

I think the crash could be tied to using presets, whether it's a preset saved within the FF plugin, the VST preset menu in Wavelab, or a plugin chain saved within Wavelab. I think if you load the plugins and don't apply any settings, or do some brief manual tweaks, the crash may not occur. I always have a preset starting point.

I also get the glitch where if I make a new montage, insert FF on a clip while the transport is playing and load a preset, the audio becomes jittery until I stop and start playing again. It only seems to happen once. After it happens and it clears up, I can't recreate unless I start a new montage. I think I sent you a video of this bug.

Thanks for your help.

Justin Perkins

^^^My apologies, thanks Floris!

Justin Perkins

Hi Floris,

This could be a clue. I had a Wavelab montage that had been rendering fine, no crashes. I was using UAD on the audio clips, UAD Bax EQ on the montage master followed by Pro-L.

I made a Save As... of my montage and made a few Pro-L adjustments to the output ceiling and dither bit rate.

The next time I went to render the full album in the montage I got the crash.

I crashed after rendering a track that had no clip plugins, so I think it must be something on the montage master.

Justin Perkins

One more clue I have is that when I use the VST2 version of FF Pro-L following UAD on the montage master, I don't get the crash.

Now like I say, if I move the UAD to the montage tracks and only have FF Pro-L VST3 on the montage master, there is also no crash.

I can't really tell what the cause is anymore but maybe it's a clue that UAD VST2 and FF VST3 don't play together well on the montage master.

Justin Perkins


Same issue..

MB1.11 causes terrible noise.
CPU meter now easy to reach Red.

Last Pro-MB, I haven't encounterd this issue even using many plug-in.

FabFilter, please fix this!!!

Mac OS 10.8.5 /
i7 2.6 4core 16gb /
Pro Tools 10.3.10


@Roy: Can you please contact us via email (use the Contact link at the bottom of this page) with a detailed description of how to reproduce this?


Frederik (FabFilter)


Same here. Pro MB on my master bus is causing huge clicks after which no audio is heard. CPU meter spikes to red.
Thought it was only when I inserted the Pro MB after a UAD plugin but no...

I'm on PT 11.3.1 HD Native, Yosemite.

Regards to all...


Piotr Siejka

Can you reproduce this issue?


Frederik (FabFilter)

What do you mean by "reproduce"?

Do you want me to make a video recording of it getting messed up?

Piotr Siejka

Hi Piotr,

I mean, is there a sequence of steps that reliably causes the problem for you? If so, please let us know (send us an email via the Contact link at the bottom of this page), so we can try to reproduce it as well. Only then can we start trying to fix the issue.

Obviously Pro-MB doesn't do this for us if we use it in Pro Tools otherwise we'd have found this problem ourselves before we released the plugin. So there has got to be something specific that causes the issue.


Frederik (FabFilter)

Hi Frederik !

I also have an issue with Fabfilter PRO MB 1.11 in Pro Tools 10.3.10, whenever i open the plugin the entire computer freezes and i have to reboot..

My system:
Intel Xeon E5-1603 0 @2.8 Ghz
16 gb ram
Windows 7 64bit, running 32 bit Protools 10.3.10
HD Native


Hi, I have similar issue with Pro-MB as Berg. When I open up Pro-MB, sometimes it freezes up Cubase and have to reboot. Does not happen with any other plugin in my session (Slate Digital, Brainworx, Klanghelm, Waves). Fabfilter Pro-Q2 is fine, although once or twice it happened with it as well

Windows 8.1 - 64 bit
Cubase 8.0.2
Intel Core i7 - 4730

Peter Korcek

Can you guys try to disable graphics acceleration to see if that makes a difference?

Also, is Pro-MB the only plugin that has this effect? Can you try the new Pro-C 2 for example?


Frederik (FabFilter)

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