FabFilter User Forum

Match EQ on Pro-Q2

Hi Floris/Frederik:

Is there a way to reverse the graph created by the match EQ on Pro-Q2 like Logic's Match EQ in order to attenuate the desire frequencies rather than boost them?


Hi Ruben,

You could select all bands after EQ Match has finished (by dragging a rectangle around them). Then double-click on the Gain knob (which will show the highest gain among the selected bands) and reverse the sign (e.g. changing +9 dB into -9 dB). This will invert the gain on all selected bands.


Frederik (FabFilter)

Thank you Frederik!


That actually doesn't work. It just sets everything to either a positive or negative static value.

Paul Taylor

It does however seem to work if you use the gain knob rather than typing :)

Paul Taylor

You're right -- my mistake! :-)


Frederik (FabFilter)

Unfortunately with the match EQ it is often very difficult to select all bands after with peaks all over the place.. could you consider please, a select all function? Inverse EQ matching is actually a fantastic way to create space for certain elements in the mix.


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