FabFilter User Forum

Soundgrid compatibility

Dear FabFilter team,

I wonder if you plan to use the Waves API to make your plugins compatible with the soundgrid system.

As far I as know, you're not planning to make an AAX-HD version of your plugins, which I can understand regarding the great power of CPUs this days.

But the soundgrid system is very interesting when it comes to live shows, theater, etc.

Indeed, I have a dream of using my favorite plugins in live situations to sculpt the sound the way I want, with no latency.

I've been using your plugins a lot in my sessions and I'd like to use them LIVE.

Of course I'm ready to pay the upgrade.

I've noticed that Plugin Alliance did it with all of their plugins, so it might be easier than it looks...

Best regards,


Paul e Son


Smells like

What about a response from the team?


We are evaluating the options, but it would take a lot of effort to support this new platform. So we can't promise anything yet.


Frederik (FabFilter)

A soundgrid-version would be great! Please go for it :)


-1. I'd buy a UAD box in a HEARTBEAT if FF plugins were ever an option on the UAD platform.


Forgot to add: Soundgrid seems like a great idea, but it's just not an affordable option for hobbyist users.


Well, actually, servers start at $450 and if you invest $700, you can get a lot out of them, so pretty much as affordable as UADs.


While I have Pro-Q2 and Pro-L on my Master for every single track, Saturn would probably get more use if I could offload the processing.

So sure, FabFilter support would make the SoundGrid hardware much more appealing. Question is: what's in it for FabFilter? How do they get paid for supporting another platform?

Some live sound customers would probably buy, but only plug-ins without added latency.


The servers aren't very expensive, but you need an I/O device to interface with the server, and the cheapest I/O is $3000. That plus that $700 server gets you up near 4 grand. Unaffordable.


Soundgrid is an audio network... Not a workflow, you only need to buy interfaces from waves if that is the choice you make to go with that hardware..... Read not glance next time....


Have you decided to support SoundGrid system?) I'm a big fan of your plugins and it would be really great to work with them in live shows! Waves Multirack is very popular nowdays and almost all big live console makers support it!


We're considering it, thanks for the feedback!


Frederik (FabFilter)

Your plugins are so good. Please, develop a SoundGrid version. At least the Pro-Q2, Pro-C2, Pro-MB and Pro-L.


We use Digigrid servers in a multi-room studio facility, and Fabfilter is used on every mix. We would be eternally grateful if you made a Soundgrid version. We rely on DSP and low latency.

I also use Waves Multirack for live mixing side gigs.

Wouldn't mind paying extra for an upgrade either :)


A little bump for this topic - you don't need a Waves audio interface anymore. So this could become an industry standard DSP platform with benefits for a lot of your users :-)


please make a Soundgrid support for your awesome plugins :D.




PRO-DS on Soundgrid asap, please!!!


Just wanted to add another vote for Soundgrid support. Actually, if I had my way I'd prefer AAX-DSP but its probably not in the cards. Short of that, Soundgrid would be very helpful.



I want to add another vote for fabfilter on soundgrid. Especially a great deesser is missing. Be sure it is low latency for live sound.
If you plan soundgrid release, do you have any schedule?

Thank you.


Soundgrid +


+1 for Soundgrid support.

Josh Voyles

PRO-L SoundGrid Por favor!

Emiliano Betancourt

So Sonnox just announced that they are adding 3 of their plugins to Waves Soundgrid.

Do we have any word if Fabfilter is also going to put anything out this year for Soundgrid?

.........plz plz plz plz :)


Can't wait to have FabFilter plugin on Soundgrid Platform :D :D :D


Another +1 for Soundgrid compatibility. ProQ2 would be amazing for live sound.


+1 for SoundGrid support! :-)


+1 for this. Soundgrid support for fab filter plugins would be a game changer for live mixing. I would personally use Fab Filter plugs almost exclusively.


Got to admit, fabfilter on a soundgrid platform would really be ideal for live work and it would be a dsp solution for aax dsp. Come on fabfilter please do this for us. I cant see how it would hurt anything. According to my understanding from waves it would be easy to port your plugs over.

Please do this. Having the best plugs (fabfilter) on a live platform would be great!


+1 for Fabfilter jumping on the soundgrid platform


Soundgrid and AAX Dsp support would be amazing!


+1 for fab filter sound grid.

Zach Berget

Dear god please.. Fabfilter tools would be a game changer for live sound.

Michael Cook

If there comes out an Version for SoundGrid, i will buy it instantly!

Bernd Lochschmidt

I would kill to get Pro-L running on the eMotion LV1.


big big big +1! All of my favourite go-to plug-ins are yours. Been using your whole bundle for many years now and I love them! We actually had some email conversations about me using them live in 'Live Professor' which was hard cause there was a graphic thing going on creating lines etc.. I also recall talking about how much cleaner in phase your ProMB is compared to the C6. Well... since I have a whole Soundgrid MultiRack set-up that I use as real tools to try to control heavy dynamics in live shows from artists like De Jeugd Van Tegenwoordig and Broederliefde I would Loove to swap the C6 for a ProMB. But while i'm writing this I start to think that that's maybe the reason why there's just Waves plug-ins in Multirack.. ;-)


+1 for sound grid support for Fab filter plugins. It needs to be done!

Vito DiGiovanni

Dante, SoundGrid, Aneman, NMOS, Ravena, AES67.....
what's next ??


Big big big +1 from here, to have your plug's available on soundgrid.
We really need that reverb of yours on live stages. :)


PLEASE ADD SOUNGRID COMPATIBILITY!!!! MUCH NEEDED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;)

99 APE

Can we get some kind of update from the Fab Filter team on when SoundGrid support is going to happen?

I do live work almost exclusively, and I desperately want the PRO-Q 2 in my tool box....

D. Miller

YES Please Give us Digigrid DSP Compatibility Thanks


Frederik (FabFilter), any word on if/when you guys will jump on the soundgrid platform? We need this.


+1 soundgrid


+1 soundgrid


+1 for waves soundgrid compatiblity!!!go for it!

Paul Börner

Yes please +1 sound Soundgrid compatibility.

Hans Kurniawan

Vote please add

Chase Smith

Having demo’d the limiter and multi band comp I would purchase full licenses if they were Soundgrid compatible in an instant.


When I'm mixing for broadcasting in my studio, I simply can't live without Fabfilter. Please, please, please add Soundgrid support so I can use it on location with my LV1 system. Do you wan't my creditcard info already now?

Peter Juul Kristensen

+1 for Soundgrid support , ProL on my live broadcast mastering chain on LV1 would be a game changer . any update ?

daniel castree

At first I thought fab filter might be concerned waves would steal there intellectual property, but then I thought if waves was going to steal it, they don’t need to wait for fab filter to make a live lv1 version of their plugins, they can just buy it and reverse engineer it and be done, therefore, I don’t think that is a valid concern. I only do live at the moment and I own ZERO fab filter plugins. Still waiting... Still waiting.. I would have bought them a couple years ago when I first asked about this.. I hear great things and I see attention to fine detail on the graphical interfaces of the fab filter plugins, so I know what I am hearing sound wise must have at least the same fine tuned attention to detail.. So, I guess I still have to wait, hopefully not forever.. Thanks!


I mean what I am hearing people say about them.. no need to try them myself if I can never use them...


plz soundgrid, would make me very very happy!!


I would pay a bit extra for soundgrid... just saying

Anthony Bryant

Soundgrid compatibility would certainly be a game changer


YES PLEASE!! soundgrid would great


how can you not go SoundGrid? C'mon. this would be a game-changer for so many applications and users.


+1 for FabFilter support on Soundgrid and/or UAD platform for the live (low latency) market.

Any update to whether this is in the pipeline or not would be much appreciated. Thx!

Jan De Rycke

+1 for soundgrid support. Live sound would expode into another dimension


Soundgrid comparability would open you up to a huge market of professional users. Using ProQ3 in a live environment would be incredibly powerful, and significantly better than ANY other tool currently available to live engineers.

Tim Gosden

I'm a hardware developer looking into Soundgrid compatibility. I'm curious what systems most of you are using now in live situations with Soundgrid? Your exact setup.


How much can one more up-vote achieve? OK, I'll vote anyways.

It would be great to know a little bit about your reasoning. If you say you are considering it, does it mean versus not supporting it, how to make money on that additional investment, any other platforms to support, etc. ?


Fuck soundgrid. It's 2019 ffs. You should just be able to load your plugs into any board now. Its just daft at this point.


for what its worth. Another person asking for sound grid compatibility with your plugins.

Tim Biviano

Yes, even just ProQ3, pretty please! 2nd choice UAD, 3rd HDX! I have all 3.

Eddie Fisher

Honestly, please do it. I would give everything for c2 on my live vocals


don't do anything on Soundgrid!
first check your decision and talk with plugin alliance and sonnox what they think about the Soundgrid sells :)


+1 Soundgrid compatibility


I too join the insurgency.
I beg you! and I will buy so many licenses for all our live rigs.


+ 1


+1 Soundgrid

I would buy the whole pack in a second, the cross talk is awesome but I really need to put those DSPs at work.


+1 Soundgrid please


+1 SoundGrid

Runar Reknes

Since I’m out on tour right now with an LV1 I’ll add one more voice to the chorus: Soundgrid support would be amazing.

Glen Phillips

Will be working regularly on a DiGiCo Quantum 338 with waves SoundGrid, so I'd like to cast a vote for compatibility as well.
We are begging guys, please :)


Why is there no response from Fabfilter here?
Was there at any point a statement to this topic?


+1 for soundgrid! Is there sny update about that?

Wojciech Zawiślak

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