FabFilter User Forum

Modulation Range?

Will modulation ranges be featured when using the many modulation options in Timeless, Saturn, and Volcano? I feel that would greatly assist users if for example they knew the range their LFO was affecting a parameter (like the circles in Massive).


For what it's worth I requested the same thing a little over a year ago.


Greg Houston

Great to know they have this on their wish list!

I think we can take it one step further and not only have modulation range graphically displayed, but also some indicator as to how much modulation is applied in real time. For example, a ring around the output gain denoting the range of modulation by an LFO and a small circle in that ring showing where it is in time.


Razor, the synth I gave as an example in that thread shows both the range of modulation and it's current position in real time.

Greg Houston

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