FabFilter User Forum

Pro-C Suggestion

And while we're talking about Pro-C updates ;-)

It would be really nice to have variable-knee rather than just hard or soft.


Rich Breen

Just bumping this, which was pushed to the next page by the many Q2 threads, so, let's keep talking about C2:

  • +1 to variable knee
  • +1 to a previous request in another thread for more flexible eq control in the sidechain
  • How about a range knob that also allows for upward compression, like the one in Pro-MB?



I think the variable-knee would be a cool feature, but why not just use an actual EQ for better filtering instead of building one into the Pro C?


Jon (Smalt Mine)

I'm using Logic. If you're sidechaining from a separate sound source then you can easily do that by simply sending a signal from the sidechain source into an EQ and then into the sidechain of the compressor.

However, if you're sidechaining the same signal, then you have to duplicate the track. If it's an audio track it's probably not a big deal, but if you're using several CPU-heavy VSTs and you don't want to freeze the tracks then it would be handy to have an EQ built in directly to the virtual sidechain of the compressor. You can't sidechain from a plugin back into itself in Logic, for obvious feedback reasons.


Okay, I hear that, it's definitely easier to have a built-in EQ, but you're still not going to get the kind of control you'd get out of an actual EQ, plus it's not like the FF products are CPU-light in the first place - I'm just worried that adding more stuff to the Pro-C (which in my experience is one of the best of their plugs in terms of CPU usage) will inevitably slow things down.


Jon (Smalt Mine)

I'm not talking about a sophisticated, linear phase eq like pro-q2. I mean just a simple boost or cut shelf on bass and treble filters. The impact to cpu would be negligible, like PSP micro-comp. Such a small feature adds serious power when mixing.



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