FabFilter User Forum

Pro-Q2 Solo and palette behavior

There's a *lot* to like in Pro-Q2, and overall it's a wonderful replacement for Pro-Q, but I have to say, while it looks very pretty, the floating/moving palette is problematic; I'm finding it *frequently* gets in the way of the EQ node I'm trying to drag, and I have to select outside of the band to get rid of the palette, then grab the node before the palette comes on. Pretty annoying.

Also, I much preferred the band-solo behavior of the Pro-Q; I find this new solo behavior makes it much more difficult to find the area I'm interested in; I have to sharpen the Q a *lot*, then solo the band to find what I'm interested in, then broaden the Q back out. The old Pro-Q behavior was much more effective.

Rich Breen

Rich Breen

Regarding the palette getting in the way of the EQ node you are trying to drag, any chance you can post a video of you trying to do something where this happens? You aren't the first to make this complaint, but I don't think the devs understand how this is possible. I know I certainly don't since the the palette is below the 30db range. Maybe the UI is fooling you into thinking you can make cuts deeper than you actually can "if only that darn palette wasn't in the way." ;)

Notch filters cut deeper than 30db, but their node is at the 0db line.

If you drag a high or low pass node down as far as you can go you will be at the minimum Q the app is capable of, 0.025.



Greg Houston

I agree with Greg. Regarding solo mode, we are working on improving that in an upcoming 2.01 update.


Frederik (FabFilter)

I don't use auto-adjust range display; most of the time I'm working with a 6dB display range (when mastering it's often 3dB range).

here's what happens:


Rich Breen

Oh, and the above screen shot is with an 8dB dip (sure wish one could edit posts in this forum!).


Rich Breen

Ah, I see now, though my first thought is if you want to make an 8dB cut you probably shouldn't be in the 6dB display range. Put it in the 12dB range. You can then drag the bottom right corner of the GUI to make the whole thing bigger on your screen.

Greg Houston

Basically, if they reverted the palette to the way it was previously, you wouldn't even see that 8dB node while in the 6dB display range. It would be completely hidden. Now at least, if you really don't want to change ranges you can click anywhere not on the palette and the palette will disappear and you can grab that node (as long as it's not more than twice as deep a cut as the range you are viewing.

Greg Houston

Yes, I went back to old Pro-Q and I see what you're saying Greg - it's a bit funny that the new GUI lets you place a node that you then can't get at, but I suppose it ends up being several clicks to get to an out-of-range node whichever version you're using.

Just personal preference, but I prefer a fixed control palette location; I find it strange to have to chase controls around the screen - it seems much more intuitive to always be looking in the same place for a band's details. It's always bugged me a bit in the Pro-MB too.


Rich Breen

I will throw in a vote to revert to the original band solo behavior from ProQ1...

Kevin Johnston

Rich, though I don't feel strongly about it I do agree with you about keeping a fixed location for the palette. I understand the dev's thinking when making it move depending on the node chosen, but it adds clarity in one way and creates a disorientation in another. So it's value nulls itself out, and given that it nulls itself out I would take the simpler option of just keeping it stationary. The bit of disorientation this can cause is compounded by the extended viewing range. The latter I feel is a big improvement (e.g., you can actually see the massive difference between a notch filter and a 30dB bell cut now), but something folks are still getting used to. Getting used to the extended viewing range along with the palette moving around seems to be a little much for some. Ahh, the little things. :)

Greg Houston

I notice that a fix was notated on the 2.0.1 release that improves the band solo feature - I have to admit - i tested on 2.0.1 and I'm not seeing that much of a difference - Is there a way to just have it exactly as PRO Q (the original)

Kevin Johnston

In Pro-Q 2.01, solo mode is very similar to Pro-Q 1. In version 1 however, some users complained that the output level was too high in solo mode (we boosted it depending on the curve bandwidth). That's why we reduced that in Pro-Q 2.


Frederik (FabFilter)

I think the solo is much better now


I guess it's horses for courses, but I like much better now too. Especially when hunting for annoying resonances, for me very often the Q1 solo was too loud and I had to un-solo, adjust levels and solo again, otherwise anything and everything sounded "annoying"... Now I find that at a normal overall listening level, the solo level is just right for that job.


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