FabFilter User Forum

Pro-Q2 floating band controls - please disable this feature

While I love Pro-Q2 and consider it the perfect digital eq, after using it since the day one of release, noticed there is only a single thing that bothers me and ruins my workflow and this is the floating/moving band controls. Please make this static like it was in Pro-Q1 or at least give us an option to make it static. It happens to many times that the moving box covers the band point I would like to move.

Tine Janzek

I agree it covers the bands alot of the time


We like the moving controls because it gives you a visual indication of which bands are selected.

Can you give a specific example where the band controls cover a band? They're always at the bottom, below the area where the curve control points are, so they should never get in the way.

Also, we designed them such that as long as you have the mouse pointer above the band controls, they won't move away so you never have to "chase" them with the mouse.


Frederik (FabFilter)

I have an idea. It would be great if we had an option in the Help menu to toggle the moving controls. Just like an option called Show EQ Parameter Display.

And some thoughts on the floating controls animation. I would make fade-out timings equal to fade-in. The fade-out animation has an unnecessary delay. It seems sluggish when the controls lose focus.

Anyway, this is a lovely crafted EQ.



Hi Frederik,

I think that Tine means it covers OTHER points/frequencies that aren't currently selected. So if you're currently cutting a low frequency band and decide to grab cut band halfway up the spectrum, the control will obstruct it so you have to use the band switching button on the controls, which is kind of annoying.


Mabye an option where you can lock it to the left/right corner by default everytime you load a new pro q2


Hi Sam,

I still don't understand how this is possible in practice. The curve points are always above the band controls -- unless it's below the current display range and then it would not have been visible at all in Pro-Q v1. A small video would be very helpful for us to see what you mean (please send using the Contact link at the bottom of this page).

See also Greg's reply in this thread:


Frederik (FabFilter)

To me the floating band clutter the area you are working around even on a large size. It block a lot of the graph out. Option to lock to edge would be nice. Images to explain what i mean.




I have no problem with it, but I understand.

The possibility to lock it or hotkey hide/unhide it would please everyone.


Maybe a toggle option where I choose to have controls as close or as far away to the active band(s). Personally I think it´s good as is. Options is always good though.


I also find it mildly disconcerting when it moves. What about floating it to wherever you want to place it.


I should clarify. In it's present state it can be in the way. If you were able to choose it to dock left or right it will be better but still will be in the way depending on the material at the time so you would have to dock it to the other side. If it floats, you can grab it and place it anywhere including up top. This way you could quickly get it out of the way under any circumstance.

These are all incredible plug ins IMO and you can keep this behavior as is and I'm still very happy! Great job.


A hot key to quickly make it disappear maybe?


Hi Frederik,

The curve points are NOT always above the band controls. If you turn the Auto-Adjust Display Range off and set the Display Range above 30 dB, the problem arises. Hope it helps.



I understand. But note that in Pro-Q v1, you wouldn't see the band at all in this case.


Frederik (FabFilter)

The floaty thingy, itsa driva me nutz :)

Not sure why the floating controls drive me crazy. Short drive.


I've also found the floating control slightly annoying. It feels like it's covering my view of what's going on somehow, even in full screen mode.


I would very much enjoy having an option to disable the moving control panel.

It's a distraction to me and I do not, personally, value having the extra graph area below the previous Pro-Q 1 frame line.

The new gui sizing features make it easier than ever to have enough screen resolution to work with and view detail in the level graphing.

It would be nice to have the option to just turn the movement off. That way people who enjoy the movement can appreciate the work you did to make it happen and people who would rather not look down and see it moving could enjoy the plug in to it's fullest as well.

Thank You!


Yes, that would be really cool to lock it in the middle position.

Thanks FF.


I just want to bump this thread. I still think the floating band controls are a bad idea.

The idea of knobs is to emulate a physical interface. Think about a channel strip, the knob does not move when you adjust the frequency!

I like to be able to go to a band, and let's say, raise the gain by 1db.

This is the point of the knobs! While I like the graphic display mode for dragging the nodes around and listening for a sweet spot, I don't want to grab the node and try to move it a little bit. It is a small target to grab, and fiddly.

Also, unless I am missing something, the mouse scroll wheel adjusts the Q. I like to use the scroll wheel to adjust the gain, and again having consistency in the interface would be ideal for me.

Ideally, I would love it if the band controls would stack up, so there would be a mode that could show a band display for all the current nodes.

Then you could have a preset with, say, four bands. You would bring it up, and all the parameters would be right there exposed. This would be more like a true channel strip.

I know I'm probably the only user in the world who wants this. That said, I would really, really like an option to turn off the floating band control feature. This actually makes me not use the Q2 as much as I would based on its sound.

Just putting this out there, in the hopes of having some influence!

Cheers, Brian

Brian Daly

Just wanted to say that the floating controls are getting in the way of the overview of the whole plug-in. And even if you say that it is not. It is, because it is layered on top of information that we can see. Our brain wants to see it and there is stuff in the way. I would rather have it take more space and have it in its own place, than making my brain want to focus on what is behind the controls all the time. It really is confusing the brain and is giving me problems with focusing on using the plug-in. At least an option to dock it in its own place like in the previous version would be greatly appreciated :)


Yes please disable this feature!

Martin Loecker

Please disable this feature from my email

Mitema Amaseimogha

Another vote to move the floating parameter display to a fixed box at the bottom but not have it float above the graph. It's just always in the way and it's very fiddly to quickly grab a dot that is pulled down quite a bit. It's just always in the way.



Agree. Option to reduce motion is a great (and standard) accessibility option for people with eye tracking issues.

Via Apple:



Hi there,

I made a video demonstrating the issue, what causes it and a workaround:


I can understand the frustration when you want to select another band node quickly but it's covered by the box. My workaround is to move the cursor in from another direction.

I think an option to disable the box would be good for those users that want quick access to band nodes without having the additional options in the pop up.

Cheers, Jim.


By the means of apps like Bome MIDI Translator Pro or Controller Mate(discontinued), one is able to use a MIDI controller to move the mouse cursor to the desired position on the plugin window, in order to take control of a certain parameter (with an endless encoder) or push button.
Since the Band Controls cannot be docked to a fixed position, such a workflow cannot be applied to ProQ3.
I think a feature like this, to be able to make the the Band Controls be always visible in same position will help this kind of approach to physical control over the parameters.

Alex Dragomir

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