FabFilter User Forum

Pro-Q2 Copy/Paste Bug Cubase 7.5

When I copy an instance of Pro-Q2 in the mixer section of Cubase 7.5 to a different channel the settings for the individual bands inside of the plugin are not always copied correctly...this happens with the VST3 Version of the Plugin.

Another possible Bug...when I automate the gain-knob of different bands inside of Pro-Q it's afterwards not possible to add another band, as soon as the automation is read the added band disappears.


Cubase 7.5 user here, can't confirm either bug here I'm afraid, are you on Mac?

Adding more bands after automating existing bands gain and/or frequency, the behaviour is fine, bands don't disappear. Also copy paste settings worked fine too. Is it possible that you were copying the settings from a track which already had automation and thus the bands were at different points because of where the playback cursor is?

Tested on Cubase 7.5.2 Build 174 64-bit, both VST2 and VST3, running on Windows 7 SP1 64-bit.


I couldn't reproduce these either in Cubase 7.5 on Windows. Thobal, if you can reproduce the bugs yourself, please give a full list of steps to take so I can try again.


Frederik (FabFilter)

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