FabFilter User Forum

Pro Q basic question about 30hz roll off.

I have been over this topic with several people and am still unsure where I stand so here goes.

I'm just rolling off some sqr bass from a synth, typical sh-101 king of a sound.

I tend to roll off bass and kicks at 30hz as a rule.

I noticed that this causes the level goes from being pretty steady to bouncing about. It also jumps about db.

This happens with bass a lot so I have a preset that attenuates the roll off.

I was guessing that this sort of a cut boosts the rez at the cut off and having watched one of Dave Pensado's video that talks about this, this seems to be the case.

I find this also seems to kill the perceived width of the sound some too.

Is this normal behaviour and just to be expected, because when I do makeup gain with the channel fader, I'm not liking the sound.
I find it alot more pleasing if I set Pro Q to Mid Latency mode and this restores it some how.

What is going on here is it normal and is it worth rolling of at 30hz if it effects the sound so much ?

It is not the loss of the bottom freq so much as it just seems to weaken the sound in general.


Hi Chris,

It sounds to me that you're using Pro-Q in linear phase mode. For these types of low-frequency adjustments, linear phase mode needs the high or maximum resolution. But they will typically work much better in zero latency mode. Could you try that instead?

See also:


Frederik (FabFilter)

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