FabFilter User Forum

Saturn - Linear Phase Splits

I haven't been using Saturn anymore because the phase issues that happen when you go multi-band mode are too radical for me to use on tracks, especially the master bus.

What would really make Saturn amazing is if there were a linear-phase split mode, similar to that of Ozone. Or if you somehow copied Ozone's hybrid style split, which doesn't have nearly as much latency as linear phase and is NEARLY the same thing.

Linear phase multiband split mode for Saturn would truly make a huge difference in this product and surely would attract more customers to it. I really really really want to use it more because the mid-side processing mode is a HUGE asset to have on the master bus, but I can't use it because of the phase issues.


We didn't want to add linear-phase multiband splitting to Saturn because you can't easily modulate crossovers this way, and we liked to keep the plugin latency-free if possible. Also, the phase artifacts seemed a good fit for a creative distortion-type plugin.

However, when you're using Saturn for mastering purposes, it's a different thing. We'll think about this to see if we can find a good solution.


Frederik (FabFilter)

How about a phase coherent mode, with 6dB/oct filters...a little bit less control per band would be a worth while sacrifice IMO.

Ryan C

+1 for linear phase crossovers. This would make saturn even better. I would ditch all other saturators immediately for Saturn. Maybe a special linear phase mode that disables modulation. That would certainly be suitable for mastering.



I have to agree here. I'd like to see a 6dB/octave crossover mode and perhaps a linear phase mode where modulation of cross overs is disabled. This way you could really use it in mastering or critical busses as a subtle harmonic enhancer.



Noted! :-)


Frederik (FabFilter)

If possible, I'd love to see this implemented soon! I reaallllly want to use Saturn for mastering purposes. Really really badly. It's lending such a great character to my latest track but I know I'm going to have to remove it eventually, which is disappointing.


Saturn sounds really good for mastering but yes, I strongly agree about the cross-over point phase distortion "problem", they are messing the sound too much so I end-up trying something else instead...

May I suggest a slope switch? 6, 12, 24 and 48 db/oct?

also at least "minimum phase" mode if other latency inducing options aren't practical, please!



+1 Would LOVE to see this as well.


+1 for linear phase filters!
I've been working around phase issues by copying the master bus into a few independent tracks and turning each track into a "band" using the high and low cuts in pro-q. But linear phase in saturn would save me a lot of time.


Saturn looks great for creative purposes, but maybe a bit overkill for the more subtle things you tend to do with saturation in mastering, especially all that modulation stuff.

How about a new, dedicated mastering saturation plug-in? Fewer bells and whistles modulation-wise, but more MB-like features like linear phase, adjustable filter slopes, detachable bands and, as I asked about in another thread, adjustable bandpass filtering for the output of each band, so you can trim and place the distortion coming out of each band exactly where you want it. You could imagine the GUI for this just like the the free sidechain thing in MB... I'd buy something like that in a heartbeat! ;-)


Interesting thoughts!


Frederik (FabFilter)

Hi guys,

using Saturn (Mac, PT), I noticed that HQ has some phase issues in the 1k-8k region...doesn't happen when HQ mode is OFF.

Basically after listening for some loss in that critical region I used PhaseScope which resulted in almost 90 deg deviation within that audio band.

Again, sounds and shows ok with HQ mode off.

Any thoughts?

Really amazing tools!



Sorry, FYI, I'm using 1 band only!


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