FabFilter User Forum

XLFO Feature Request: Visual Representation of XLFO Balance

A sawtooth and triangle wave look identical in the waveform window. This is fairly confusing. I would like the waveform to be redrawn when adjusting the XLFO balance knob just like the waveform is redrawn when adjusting the glide knob.

So when taking the default triangle and creating a saw from it, the node on the left of the step 2 slider in the waveform window should gradually move to the right of the slider. Currently the node is locked to the left side of each step slider in the waveform window.

Greg Houston

Currently the curve matches the XLFO steps that you see. We would have to make some steps wider or narrower if you change the balance. Doable, but I'm not sure if this would make things easier to work with. But I agree with you that it's a pity that you don't see the difference between saw and triangle at a glance now.


Frederik (FabFilter)

I agree and would even take this a step further!

I would love it if the XLFO could be as easily editable as Pro-Q3 curves (or as Serum /Xfer-LFOTool curves).

The GUI and visual representation of the curve makes a huge difference in usability.

I mean, I love the FabFilter plugins to an extreme, but sometimes it's easier to draw automation or use LFOTool to draw curves and send them as MIDI data to the plugin - this definitely shouldn't be the case.

Bo Wild

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