FabFilter User Forum

Twin: 10 is not enough

Twin v1.01. Let me try and explain this as simply as possible.
If LFO 1 is modulating Filter 1 freq by +10 (max) it seems to me that if filter 1 is set to its lowest cutoff freq, modulation of +10 (max) should move the cutoff between it's minimum and maximum values (like it does with Arturia CS-80V for example).
This isn't happening. +10 only seems to move the cutoff thru about half of the frequency spectrum (+5?). This is bad news for those of us that need extreme filtering!
Hope you're having a good day,


If I can chime in, when I need more modulation I just use the same source and destination twice for two slots. There are so many slots, this isn't a big deal to do. It might take a little getting used to but I like it this way since the scaling allows for really fine-tuning parameters without it feeling too "tweaky".


If you want a more extreme mod response you can indeed use Claude's technique.

But it sounds like you could be getting more out of a single slot in the mod matrix. The LFOs in Twin (and in lots of synths, although I don't know about the CS-80V) are bipolar mod sources (they run between -1 and 1, say, instead of 0 to 1). So if you've set the filter cutoff to its minimum value, the negative half-cycle of the LFO is wasted -- it can't push the filter cutoff any lower. You'll get double the response to LFO modulation if you set the initial value (at the knob) to something near the middle rather than the minimum.


Thanks, good suggestions, right now i'm not sure if the bipolar thing is gunna work but i'l definitely look into it, thanks again, its a good point.

I was hoping for a response from fabfilter staff? Maybe to tell me how right i am : ) and that'll be fixed in the next update : )

Be well


Hi Matt,

Didn't react yet because Claude and Paul quite answered the question already.

Indeed, the modulation ranges for filter frequency have been chosen in such a way that you can over the full knob range (and even more). Note: ranges are tuned differently for different modulation sources, to get the right feel.

And yes, since the LFO produces a signal between -1 and 1, you need to set the cutoff frequency knob halfway to get the biggest ranges.


Floris (FabFilter)

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