FabFilter User Forum

Volcano 2 Suggestion: Envelope Generators- curve adjustment

I'm really enjoying my demo of Volcano 2, however I would have liked to see the ability to adjust the curve for the Envelope Generators- i.e. the ability to smoothly adjust the envelope curves from Concave-Linear-Convex.
Perhaps it's worth looking into ;)


Hi again,
I should also add that with a low pass filter 24db, all filter types besides 'Clean' tend to muffle the highest frequencies when the filter is wide open?
I've noticed this on many different plugins. Why can't the filters be 'pushed out' further to avoid this?


Hi Greg,

Thanks for your feedback. Both of these are known issues: improving them in a future version of Volcano is on our to-do list, among many other items. :-)


Frederik (FabFilter)

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