FabFilter User Forum

Bundle discount

I want to purchase the Mastering bundle and also Saturn.i'm wondering what is the best order to purchase these in terms of discount IE which way round will end up with the most competitive pricing once discount has been given following the first purchase - if I buy Saturn first,what discount can I expect off Mastering bundle , and vice-versa.Sorry to be mercenary but money is tight!

Gavin hughes

Hi Gavin,

It's best to purchase the Mastering bundle first, then buy Saturn via your FabFilter account (which you'll get after your first purchase).


Frederik (FabFilter)

I am in a similar position to the original poster, and I have to say that the "need never pay the full price again" part of your advertising actually stopped me from making a purchase I would otherwise have made. Can you please clearly confirm that it is not possible to purchase a bundle, or it's contents, more cheaply than the advertised price by using a Fabfilter account.


We determine the discount based on how many plugins you already own. If you buy the Mastering Bundle first, then Saturn via your account, you get a lot of discount because you already own several plugins. If you do it the other way around, you get an extra discount on the most expensive plugin in the Mastering Bundle because you already own Saturn, but this is slightly less. Hence my advice.

If you already have purchased one or more plugins, your account always offers you a better discount than buying a bundle as a new customer does. So I don't really understand your question Dave, can you elaborate?


Frederik (FabFilter)

Hi Frederik, thanks for your prompt reply. My Dilemma is this - I want the pro bundle, saturn, and volcano2 and I would like to know which order to buy them in. Alternatively I could just go for the FX bundle if it works out cheaper. Which would be best?


Hi Dave,

If you like, I can setup an empty account for you! Then you can create your own custom bundle, and you can be sure that you pay the best price possible. Just e-mail us with your name, address and country info :-)


Floris (FabFilter)

Hi thats very kind of you indeed. I will carefully think about it and be in touch.


To Floris and Frederik,
Just like to say thanks for your help. I was able to purchase a custom bundle that suited my needs.


Just wanted to give a tip to anyone thinking of buying plugins. Buy them in as few orders as you can. Because I was indecisive and bought pretty much all of the total bundle in 6 different orders(long story), I paid $180 more than what the bundle would have cost for a new customer(just shy of $1100) and that was without Simplon, One and Micro because I didn't feel I needed those. It was my own fault, I kept changing my mind and deciding I needed more plugins.

So take a few days, download all of the demos, and really decide what you want and buy it all in 1 or 2 orders if you want to get the best price.

I can't complain though, these plugins are worth every penny I paid and more! Thanks Fabfilter!

James Leigh

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