FabFilter User Forum

How are Pro-Q filters applied?

I just discovered something that I cannot find covered in the manual.

I assumed a signal sent through the filter would be acted on by the correct filter. For example, if I send a sine wave sweep through the left channel I assumed it would be acted upon by the left and stereo filters and not the right, regardless of which Pro-Q channel mode selection was highlighted.

However, when I experimented with this I discovered selecting the right channel mode button actually produced a different response! The same thing happened if I selected the left button and sent a right channel sweep.

The manual indicates these buttons are just to determine which channel you are working with in applying corrections. There is no indication that it operates in the way I observed.

I am using Fuzzmeasure to generate sweeps, but I am only changing Pro-Q channel modes.

Robert Peirce

Hi Robert,

FabFilter Pro-Q should indeed work as you described. Note that if a band is current set to stereo mode, and you press e.g. the right channel mode button while looking at the left channel, of course you'll see a change because the band now no longer operates on the left channel.

What do you mean with "regardless of which Pro-Q channel mode selection was highlighted"?


Frederik (FabFilter)

I wasn't clear. I didn't mean what I see on the FabFilter display but what I measure when I run a test signal through it.

I assumed the test signal would produce the same result regardless of whether the left, stereo or right channel was highlighted in the FabFilter display but that wasn't the case. Selecting one channel or the other in the display would alter the output of a signal run through the filter. I didn't think that should be the case and thought i might be doing something wrong.

Robert Peirce

Hi Robert,

Highlighting (as in selecting or mousing over) a curve in Pro-Q will definitely not change the sound, as your ears will tell you. (Soloing of course does change the sound.)

Most likely this behavior is caused by your analyzer software.


Frederik (FabFilter)

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