FabFilter User Forum

Can Timeless 2 replace Ableton's Stereo Sample Delay

I'd like to know if Timeless 2 can replace Ableton's often used Stereo Sample Delay, the one normally used to make fake stereo effects and widden, for example, a bassline.

I just started using it and I see both L and R channels have a minnimum of 5ms delays, is it possible to bypass either L or R out of Timeless 2?
Hope this works and thank you.

Felipe C.

Hi Felipe,

Of course. Timeless 2 has a separate Dry mix knob on the far right of the interface: together with the pan ring around it this allows you to flexibly bypass the L and R channels and mix that with the delayed sound.



Frederik (FabFilter)

Will try this.

Felipe C.

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