FabFilter User Forum

Side Chain and Parallel Comp. presets for Pro-C

I've been learning side chaining and parallel compression using FabFilter plugins but some things still confuse so I would like to know if FabFilter or the users here have any side chain and parallel comp. presets that I could learn from.
I know there are some that come with Pro-C but I'm not sure the names very descriptive.
I work both in Cubase 6 and Ableton Live.

Anyways, thank you for the awesome plugins!


Hi Felipe,

Did you check out this topic about external side-chaining in the Pro-C help file? www.fabfilter.com/help/pro-c/?/help/pro-c/support/externalsidechaining.html


Floris (FabFIlter)

Hello Floris

I cannot get the link doesn't work, I tried to click my way to it but got nowhere.

Is the information inside the regular Pro-C help file?



Hi Felipe,

Ah, sorry! This is the correct link: www.fabfilter.com/help/pro-c/?/help/pro-c/support/externalsidechaining.html

Floris (FabFIlter)

The link worked so thank you Floris, unfortunately this is not what I am looking for.
My purpose in finding SC and NYC presets is to try to learn correct uses of these techniques using FabFilters.

For instance, I made a track and managed to get a dense bass with a lot of "thump" but I managed it using two instances of Pro-C doing Side Chain. So I think I have the correct concepts to manage these techniques but I may be using the tools wrong and that is why I was looking for very specific presets.

Maybe they already come bundled with Pro-C but I am not sure about the names.
Any thoughts?


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