FabFilter User Forum

Saturn's Gain Compensation

There are certain situations where I want to distort the crap out of a signal, and I've found Saturn really really good for this. However, I've found that with the heaviest distortion modes (e.g. Heavy Saturation) there's quite a bit of gain compensation after the distortion, and this is not always desired. While the gain compensation can be counteracted by increasing a band's volume, this means that you have to edit both drive and volume every time you make an adjustment. This also means that when you're looking to modulate the drive knob and cancel the compensation, you have to modulate volume as well and fine-tune.

I would love to see a gain compensation knob/button in Saturn so that it could be tweaked or turned off if need be. Having such a feature would make Saturn even more flexible than it is now, which is really saying something. It would also be great if band drive and band volume were linked knobs, so that holding Alt would adjust both parameters proportionally.

Anyway, just a thought. I'll go back to enjoying Saturn for now :)


Hi Colin,

As you noticed, Saturn contains automatic gain compensation, so it automatically reduces output gain if the drive increases. However, how well this works really depends on the average level of the incoming audio. We have carefully tweaked this to work reasonably well with different types of input signals, but there is no perfect solution unfortunately.

If you find that with your input signal, the output level decreases too much when increasing the drive, it helps to boost the input level.


Frederik (FabFilter)

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