FabFilter User Forum

Twin2: Option to ignore subsequent velocity in mono mode

Lovely FabFilter guys,
I've owned Twin2 for quite a while now, but have only recently started to explore its possibilities.

There's one thing that bugs me. It's in the behaviour of the envelopes. I often play improvised solo lines with monophonic patches, be it bass sounds or lead sounds.
When a sound is velocity sensitive (hard=bright, soft=dark) and you play a solo line, you can hear a very immediate difference in tone when the first note is loud and the next one soft. It's a very pronounced step and it doesn't sound nice, and it would be great to have the option of a more analog sounding envelope that doesn't change so abruptly from one note to the next.

Or am I missing some option somewhere, maybe?


I just realized that the headline is a little different than what I ask for in the text itself.
Originally my idea was to have a button to enable some sort of "ignore" function, so that when playing solo lines, subsequent velocity data is ignored after the first note.

But then the idea of a more analog behaving envelope came up while writing.
Sorry for the mess :)



Not a priority issue then :)


You are correct that if you use the velocity to modulate the output level, you'll get a sudden jump in volume.

However, have you tried modulating the EG Main Sustain instead? In this case, it will use the decay time to interpolate to the new sustain level when you press a new key, so that could work quite nicely in your example.


Frederik (FabFilter)

Thank you, Frederick. I will give that a try (and report back)!


Hi Frederik,
while it's a nice trick to modulate the sustain of an envelope with the interpolating, it's not getting the result I'm looking for.

This "step" that I talked about before is mostly audible with the filter envelope, so Twin2 isn't (in my case anyway) so super usable for analog-ish solo lines. It's okay, it can do other great stuff for sure.

If you're ever considering working on Twin2 again, or on another synth, feel free to consider this different envelope behaviour too.




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