FabFilter User Forum

Fabfilter Spectrum Analyzer?

I've been so unhappy with the ones available, and seeing the pretty graph on Saturn and Pro-Q, I bet you guys could come up with an awesome analyzer! Priced similar to Fab-One and Simplon, I bet it would be a hit! Think about it ;)


I would absolutely love to see this too - perhaps a whole set of metering tools (like RND Inspector, which I love but will lose when RTAS is dropped)


Will think about it! :-)


Frederik (FabFilter)

If you could do a plugin with a Spectrum Analyzer and an Oscilloscope that would be awesome!

I curently have to use 2 plugins to have this visual feedback. I would LOVE to have it in the one plugin!

Cheers - Pete


I think a spectrum analyzer would be fantastic. However, might I suggest adding to it the ability to see the correlation between pitch and frequency built into the plugin as well? For example, it would be great if my mouse is hovering over 55hz, that the plugin would have a graphical display of "55hz, A0". Where A0 (i.e. "a" "zero") corresponds to a keyboard layout where C3 is middle C, as it is in Logic Studio and Ableton Live. That would be great!

Jacob Swan

I think a spectrum analyzer would be fantastic. However, might I suggest adding to it the ability to see the correlation between pitch and frequency built into the plugin as well? For example, it would be great if my mouse is hovering over 55hz, that the plugin would have a graphical display of "55hz, A0". Where A0 (i.e. "a" "zero") corresponds to a keyboard layout where C3 is middle C, as it is in Logic Studio and Ableton Live. That would be great!
Yes! great idea! And the + - cents between the notes as well. Voxengo Span does this.


What about the analyzer built into Pro-Q?


I am pretty happy with Pro Q, I don't think you need one, unless you want to run separate channels into it.

Asked Steinberg for one several times, and I know the product managers, but nothing so far.

+1! Would LOVE to see this added in an update (if its not too much trouble)


You can do it, you are the best!!!, maybe something like pinguin audio meter?


would love to see cross-track spectrum analyzer within pro-q, if it would have that i'd immediately go for it, but i might anyway

christian rustøen

Yep. I would love this too. Voxengo SPAN is pretty good but Fabfilter could probably do it better (and with a much nicer looking GUI!).

A few things I'd like to see:

  • The ability to adjust the spectrum analyzers slope, speed and quality.
  • A dual peak and rms meter.
  • A clipping/inter-sample clipping indicator.
  • A correlation meter

All that should easily fit into one plugin. Basically you're taking the spectrum analyzer from Pro-Q and the metering from Pro-L,increasing the tweakablity of the spectrum analyzer by adding a slope parameter (something I want in Pro-Q as well) and throwing in a correlation meter.

Even though I own both Pro-Q and Pro-L I'd gladly pay $64 (the price of Fab-One) for such a plugin and I'm sure many others would too.


And incorperate an Oscilloscope as well.

I really want a plugin with an FFT and Oscilloscope in the one plug. Currently I use Span and smexoscope for this, but it would be great to have them in the one plugin, and Fab Filter's plugins are briliant!

- Pete


... thanks for all the feature requests guys! We'll see what we can do :-)

Floris (FabFilter)

+ 1

I agree 100% with the feature requests Mark listed above.


Yes a spectrum analyzer would be awesome!! There isn't a great one out there for ProTools... Troodon Trootrace was gonna be the one but despite a lot of interest and an initial release, the company disappeared.

Feature-wise I'd love also to see the ability to save and recall saved shapes for reference. Maybe even being able to route 2 inputs at the same time so you can have your reference playing simultaneously while you're working on a master.


+1 to a Fab Spectrum Analyzer / FFT / Oscilloscope.

In addition to options stated above, possibly consider:
- Window re-sizing.
- Meter taps (as per Ozone 5 Adv).


Something that displays stereofield information would be really a nice touch too, (Eg so we can measure how wide a stereo signal is.)


Just to add that I'd pay full fabfilter price for a kick-ass analyzer... I think its as useful as an EQ or limiter in some situations.

ps. window-resizing is indeed important... ability to go full screen on another monitor would be huge.


I'm using fab filter ProQ for cleaning up noisy dialogue. I would love the ability to have a bigger ProQ window and also the ability to adjust the range of the analyzer. At present if you have low level signals then they never make it into the visible area of the analyzer.

If there was a mode where eq points could be automatically added to peaks: you hover the mouse and click and the point aligns itself to the nearest peak, it would be brilliant. I am always working with the audio suite version of ProQ and there seems no way in ProTools to control audio suite ProQ parameters with midi devices or control surfaces.

Love this plugin!

Ray Beentjes

Feature requests noted!

By the way, in the latest Pro-Q version, we've added control surface support to the RTAS and AAX versions so you should be able to control Pro-Q via a control surface now.


Frederik (FabFilter)

I´ll also gladly purchase a separate spectrum analyzer plugin... I don´t know whether that´s possible for a plugin, but one feature I´d love to see would be a full screen mode - if not, then at least a freely resizeable interface that makes good use of my screen estate :)

ZiQian Liu

Yeah, please. Do analyzers! People requires, please act! Love ya fabfilter!


Any news on this??? I'm dyiiiiiing here ;)


Can't do everything at once unfortunately! :-)

Frederik (FabFilter)

At least that sounds like its in the pipeline!


To take things a few steps further, what about a level meter as well? The full package: (true)peak, rms, lufs, balance/pan etc etc.

jeffrey de gans

Fast and smooth resizable oscilloscope with GPU support would be awesome! Something like in Pro-L, but a bit more accurate. That would be mega hit! I'm using Pro-L as oscilloscope all the time, but it is not very convenient.


"If there was a mode where eq points could be automatically added to peaks: you hover the mouse and click and the point aligns itself to the nearest peak, it would be brilliant."

That would be unbelievable! Fabfilter, if you added this feature it would be really something. Instead of spending 30-60 seconds per band getting a frequency perfectly tuned to a harmonic, if the Pro-Q could do it with a single click it would be a revelation!


Why not use Izotope's Insight? It's all you need. A bit pricy but if you use Ozone you get it for free.


There are very good ideas here!

How about s(M)exoscope? Awesome free tool but I think FabFilter can do this better and for x64, with
Inter sample and oversampling accuracy and stuff.

I also like izotopes Insight but maybe FabFilter can do it better.

I think Insight has this but maybe this Fabfilter Spectrum Analyzer can input many channels and vizualize them together, both merged and separate, anything really.


Is there a possibility to distinguish sound sources and show a virtul stage o room, where those sound sources are located ?


...and please as separate "stand alone" app with audio driver input for "outside DAW" use.


Nothing came out since 2012 about an Analyzer.

Any hope? :)

Swenerick Corthier

Indeed it could be a great new Fabfilter plugin.

I very often use Pro-Q3 instead of Span without any EQ tweak, just as an analyzer (the external spectrum view is indeed brilliant and can't be replaced by any other plugin I own).

So I'm pretty sure that if Fabfilter could implement the exact same feature in an analyzer plus some specific goodies (Stereo analyzer, different metering option, correlation meter), and sell it at a reasonable price, it would be a hit.



Just adding to the voices who would find something like this very useful, and would be an instant buy for me. I tend to just use Pro-Q3 for my analyser but I'd really like to be able to use some of the smoothing features that Span has.


Absolutely upvoting this! this would make ProQ an extremely powerful (more extremely powerfullererer)..

Bump on the backlog;)

For me an overlay of before after a compression chain would be magic..

I'd shout the office a beer or two..

Richard Cook

Ignore that, I get everything I need out or CR2..

Richard Cook

+1 for a basic analyzer.

For whatever reason, despite having multiple fullon analyzer plugins, I often just use Pro Q3 to peak at the spectrum and Pro L2 for levels. I'd love to have something simple from FF that integrates these functions. Bonus if a goniometer is included as I often need to use one after ProQ3 to check for phase/offset issues.

Extra bonus for a multitrack oscilloscope which leverages FF's existing system for communicating between plugins as seen in EQ Match. Many people are using these for kick->bass phase alignment.

Just a thought

Thanks again to the FF team & keep up the amazing work.


Funny to see my post from 10 years ago. And I'd STILL love to see an analyzer sweet from Fabfilter! Keep thinking about it!! Lol


Perhaps you will find something here


Did anything ever come of this - It's the missing piece of my mixing arsenal to be honest. Pro-Q doesn't quite do what I want it to here. Combining loudness/spectrum analysis from Pro-Q and Pro-L with a few extras and there is a beautiful idea for a plugin here!


I'm absolutely sure that FabFilter could make a great spectrum analyser. At the moment I’m using iZotope Insight 2, which is a complete metering suite that is hard to beat. There are very few products that include a spectrogram, levels meter, spectrum analyser, loudness meter, loudness history, sound field, and Intelligibility meter.

I would love to see a full metering suite from FabFilter. I’m sure it would be a hit.


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