FabFilter User Forum

Notch filter for volcano

Do you think we will ever see a notch filter added to volcano ?


A notch filter is just two parallel filters working in synchronization, you must be thinking of a bipolar filter which is best described as an "inverted filter".


I've heard of a notch filter plenty of times. I've also heard it called a band reject filter, since it's the opposite of a bandpass filter.

I've never heard it referred to as an "inverted filter." Ever.

That being said, it would be nice to have one. If memory serves not all daws can automate the link handle when using two parallel filters to act as a notch.

but whatev's


"inverted filter" was more of a description of what a bipolar filter does. I would think it would be pretty easy to have two filters synced in parallel even without DAW automation to get a notch type filter. From the looks of Volcano two, I would say: attach both filters to the same time domains within the plugin?....


We didn't add a notch or band reject filter because we thought it would be less generally useful than the filters we have. Plus, you can simulate with serial LP and HP filters.


Frederik (FabFilter)

I totally agree it's doable with serial (I said parallel earlier but I meant serial :) lp and hp filters. but as I also mentioned, this requires two seperate filters to implement. which is 50% of what volcano has available.

If a notch could be selected as a single filter that would be much easier. Currently automating a notch filter sweep with the current method involves 4 seperate lanes, one for each frequency and peak.

It's not a deal breaker by any means, if you need more bands simply add more volcanos ;)

but again, it would be nice..

or somehow make the link handle a visible object for automation? I don't code so I'm totally dumb on the logistics of it, but being able to automate or midi assign the link handle wound be crazy awesome.

just my 2 cents


Lack of notch filter is my only gripe with volcano. I would LOVE to be able to run 4 notch filters w/ volcano's mods.

As guest above me said, just add more volcanos for now.

And now that saturns out....well my head might explode


correct me if i'm wrong. But it's not possible to recreate a notch filter with a LP and HP in series. The LP cutoff's everything above a certain frequency so the HP filter (that comes after in the chain) has no frequencies to work with. If you switch the LP and HP in the serie chain, you get a bandpass filter.
For some situations I really miss the notch filter :(.


you have to put the LP and HP in parallel to recreate the notch, not serial.
But still I prefer a real notch filter in Volcano.


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