FabFilter User Forum

Now a FF Reverb will be good

Hi, FF Team! Do You have a plan to extend this beautiful collection by FF Reverb? "Pro-R"? ;)


Yes please! I'm so waiting for a Fabfilter Reverb to complete the collection of my favourite mix tools ever.

Threw Ohmicide away for Saturn, bring on Fabfilter Ambience/Space/Dimension....


I would definitely buy it! I hope they make a 2cAether killer!!!


Yes.... Reverb next pleeeease!

Dom Shov

It's on the wish list! :-)


Frederik (FabFilter)


Why do you "throw away" the fantastic Ohmicide plugin? That is a very useful tool and its models do not sound the same a the nice FF Saturn but not better or worse...different. You may find what you need in either one. One distortion/saturation plug is not like the next. ;)


@jasonswe Why do you feel that it is your business, or in your interest to tell people how they should work? I can't believe you would go out of your way to be so perversely authoritative about something so dumb and frankly irrelevant to anyone. He didn't throw away food, he threw out some cluttering code that he felt he didn't need anymore...


@Dylan -

Ahhh,..Take a deeeeep breath. Now reeelaxxxx...and put your venom-laced knives, axes, moltavs and guns away. ;)

I meant the statement half jokingly and didn't really expect anyone to take serious note, hence that little winky emoticon at the end of the post. ;) ;) ;) ;)

Furthermore, my comment was NOT irrelevant, if you take the time to consider what I said. I simply try to explain that all of these DSP saturation models are not the same so it is worth to keep your various saturation plugins around despite picking up new ones along the way.

You see it was actually a tip. I am sorry if it offended you for me to leave a bit of advice.


Guys! Enough! Let's stick to the original subject ;-)

Floris (FabFilter)

Yeah, I have a thing for being loyal and neatness, probably a bit OC. haha!

I liked Ohmicide, but a billion models and a not so inspiring interface were the downsides, although the sound was pretty neat.

But yeah, back to the topic, a reverb would melt my kneecaps


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