FabFilter User Forum
Twin 2 osc 1 waveform bug
It seems that the issue is caused by MIDI data transmitted from my Novaton Remote 61 SL. Disabling MIDI data input for control messages solves the issue.
Not sure which particular control change is to blame however.. Any ideas?
DannyF — May 29, 2011
If you enable MIDI Learn mode and expand the oscillator section in Twin 2, you'll see which controller number is connected to the wave form parameter. The MIDI Learn menu will also show this.
Frederik (FabFilter) — May 30, 2011
Using Twin 2 (demo) within Reaper (both 64 bit Windows 7) the waveform on Osc 1 switches itself to Pink Noise after 3 - 6 seconds - without touching any parameters. channging the waveform has no effect - it just changes back.
Anyone else had this trouble?