FabFilter User Forum

Run 64 bit Plug on 32 bit syetem?

I am about to buy some FabFilter plugs which I want to use NOW. The problem is I am still on a 32 bit system. I will be upgrading to 64 bit soon. Do I have to buy 32 bit now and when I upgrade buy the plugs again if I want 64 bit? I see no info on the site about upgrading plugs from 32 bit to 64 bit. Is this not an potion?? I know I can run 32 bit on the 64 bit system, but why not get the benifit of 64 bit?

Keith forsyth

Hi Keith,

In addition to my other reply in topic www.fabfilter.com/topic.php?topic=1336 :

If you're on a 32-bit system, simply download and install the 32-bit versions of the plug-ins. Then, if you ever upgrade to a 64-bit system and a 64-bit host, then you won't have to upgrade or buy the plug-ins again; then you can just download and install the 64-bit versions :-)


Floris (FabFilter)

Ah Ha! This is what I wanted to know. Thank you.

Keith forsyth

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