FabFilter User Forum

Pro-Q requests

I love the updates to Pro-Q - thanks for them and for so generously making them free!

With the new "solo" function on the bands, it would be handy to also have a "solo lock" when not clicking the headphone icon, perhaps by holding option/alt when clicking on the icon to enable and doing so again to disable.

I'd also love to have a polarity switch on the GUI. :-)

Thanks again!


Hi Don,

Thanks! The idea of a separate solo on/off button crossed our minds, but we decided to postpone that for now since there was already so much other new stuff. :-)

What would a polarity switch do? Reverse the gain of all/selected bands?


Frederik (FabFilter)

Thanks for the reply, Frederik! I think all plug-ins should have a polarity switch on them as I find it handy to check the phase between multi-mic'd instruments (like a drum kit or a guitar amp) at different stages of processing.

When McDSP released their AU versions, the polarity button that had been on all their RTAS plugs was removed. It was a sad day....

Thanks again!


I was just gonna make a post requesting a polarity switch on the Pro-Q. It's about the only thing missing on an incredible eq. So +1 on the switch idea.


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