FabFilter User Forum

Pro-Q, Pro-C ASIO/CPU load


I was just wondering what the CPU load is like for Pro-Q and Pro-C.

I'm running a laptop (XPS M1530) with intel 2 duo 2.4 ghz, 4gb ram on windows 7 x64.

Running a project in cubase 6 x64 using Izotope Alloy x64 (13 instances) I have usage of 40% when idle. If I go to the Cubase EQ and Compressors I get <20% idle.

Just wondering how pro-q and pro-c would compare (in this project I would run 13 instances of each)?

I know I can download the demo but aside from today I won't have time to really put them through their paces and make a decision within the 30 day period (damned Dissertation!). I would be interested to know though if anyone has any advice.

maybe I can download the demo's in a month or two :( ....

Dan Clarke

hi dan,

you're most likely better off trying the demos personally as everybody's system is a little different.

i'm on a mac with the same spec processor and ram, different daw..

i usually don't run that many instances of 3rd party plugs at once (usually print to audio), but i used to use ozone and trash quite a bit and the fabfilter plugs are much lighter for me.

fwiw you'll never get as low with 3rd party as you can with the in built stuff, at least that's the case with logic and live as well.


Hi Dan,

Yes, I also recommend that you try the demo's and see for yourself! We've done a lot of work to keep CPU usage as low as possible, while ensuring 100% top quality sound...


Floris (FabFilter)

"fwiw you'll never get as low with 3rd party as you can with the in built stuff, at least that's the case with logic and live as well."

That may be true, but this is not because they use a special trick or anything. Usually built-in plugs are simpler, using less complex algoritms.


Frederik (FabFilter)

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