FabFilter User Forum
Any way to save preset without having to save as each time?
We had the same issue when working on presets, so there is a hidden way to get an extra Save item in the presets menu. (It's not there by default because we thought it would make it too easy to accidentally overwrite a preset with unwanted changes.)
On Windows, open the registry editor, navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\FabFilter\<plugin name>\2.0 and change the SavePresetItemEnabled setting from 0 to 1.
On Mac, go to your personal Library/Preferences folder, double-click on com.fabfilter.<plugin name>.2.plist and change the setting in the same way.
I usually make a copy of the preset into a new folder first anyway, but I understand the reason for not having it by default.
When developing a preset in Twin 2, Volcano 2 or Timeless 2, it's a pain to keep having to save as each time.
1. The plugin does not remember the folder last saved to, so it has to be navigated to each time a preset is saved.
2. There is no "Save" option that overwrites the existing preset.
If I'm wrong about either of these, please let me know how to Save, not save as.