FabFilter User Forum

Suggestions for UI

Hi --

Would it be possible to add readable units for the knobs for which this would make sense?

The time based knobs in the "Envelope Generator" section, and the Frequency knob spring to mind.


Chris Ebenezer

Hi Chris,

Well, we are thinking about adding this feature to our new products.

We haven't implemented this before because we believe that an interface should be as simple and intuitive as possible. But, as I said, we're thinking about this feature for our new plugs!


Floris (FabFilter)

Okay -- cool. I'm just thinking that sometimes I use volcano and have a fair idea - based on the instrument - what sort of frequencies I want to affect.

Alternatively, as I have a level meter on the channel - I know roughly where - visually - I want the envelope generator to kick in.

Chris Ebenezer

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