FabFilter User Forum

FM synth


Wouldn't it be great to have a FM synthesizer from FabFilter!
Super clear and slick gui, with a ton of modulation possibilities.
The "FabFilter Carrier" perhaps?



Speaking of new plugins, is there a new plugin in the pipeline?
You know perhaps a small teaser or something to get me all excited and nutty :)

Akazi Shabur

We always have new plugins in the pipeLine! :-)

Frederik (FabFilter)

Woohooooo oh the joy. Im so excited I can't wait to see what the next plugin will be.
So if you would allow me to be a cheeky bastard here for bit might I ask whether Christmas will come early this year or no? And I don't mean the snow and the food but more the presents ;) ;)


Akazi Shabur

"pipeLine" hmm.. is that a teaser??


That subtle spoiler (if it is one at all) has slipped through my mind unnoticed.
pipeLine,pipeLine.... what could it be?
judging from the "pipe" it might be a tube saturation plugin, no? But then what is the Line? Maybe perhaps some sort of a linear harmonic enhancer? If that even makes sense :)
I guess time will tell :D

Akazi Shabur

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