FabFilter User Forum

Pro-Q: higher Q values?

Hi there,

I've been toying around with the new Pro-Q and loving it so far! One little gripe that I'm having is the maximum Q value, which only amounts to 40. I've been a long time user of the classic Waves Q10, which allows a Q of up to 100. That was perfect for surgically killing annoying resonances. I have the feeling that the bands in Pro-Q cannot be made as narrow, thereby killing more frequencies than intended.

Now I have two questions:

1. Is what I've described just my imagination (you know, in a "this one goes to eleven" kind of way) or is this really happening?

2. If it's really the case, are you planning on raising the maximum Q value?

Thanks for your answer and all the best!


It would be even nicer if Q goes up all the way to 1500..

Hah enough joking.. I thought 40 was quite enough. I have tested Waves eq years ago and I didn´t notice any difference between 20-100. So it´s (atleast to me) marketing bs.


Haha, well actually I am hearing the difference between 20 and 100 in Waves' Q very well! :D Try it out with maximum boost, sweeping through the frequency bands (that's what I often do to find some annoying formants). You'll notice that the Waves EQ sounds quite different when set to Q=100 in comparison to Q=20 :)

The question was rather if Waves and FabFilter use the same scale in terms of Q. But I guess the developers won't reveal that here :)


Hi Al,

We've chosen the maximum Q carefully, and we think that it's narrow enough. And you're right with the fact that different devs may use different Q scales, so a Q of 10 might mean something different in Pro-Q than in other EQs!

But JJ also has a point: we've tested a lot of EQ's and found out that some of them have Q ranges up to a 100, while above a Q of 20-40... nothing changes any more. However, I don't remember whether this was the case with the Waves one :-)


Floris (FabFilter)

Hey Floris,

thanks for your answer! I can perfectly accept that, and I would be the first one to admit that there is no audible difference in Waves EQ's, say, Q=80 and Q=100. It just that I found the FabFilter one to sound a little "less surgical" for eliminating this high-Q stuff than the Waves one. In the end they're both great!

Anyways, I'll toy around with both plugins a little more in order to come to a definite conclusion for myself ;)

All the best,


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