FabFilter User Forum

Pro Q 1.01 problem in Ableton <- FIXED


When using Pro-Q 1.1 in Ableton, the Q-factor acts pretty strange. It seems I can adjust the Q, but whenever adjusting the Frequency, the Q just jumps to that same value (so whenever I release the mouse button, the Q button "mimics" the frequency button).

In Cubase, this problem doesnt happen. No matter if I use VST2 or VST3.

I use Ableton Live version 8.0.4


Hi Bas,

Thanks for reporting this, and you're right! We have been in contact with Ableton about various issues with Live 8, and they have confirmed that this is a bug in Ableton Live... not in our plug-ins.

Until Ableton releases a fix for this, you could use the AU version instead of the VST (if you're on OS X of course). If you're on Windows, you could use Ableton 7.x, which doesn't have the problem...


Floris (FabFilter)

Thanks Floris,

At the moment I'm mostly using the EQ within Cubase, so no problem. Hope Ableton fixes it soon, and if I need it I'll go for the AU version. Thanks for the reply.


I just wanted to know if there's any update on this bug in Live.

I know Ableton have stated it's their bug, but it does render Pro Q almost unusable in Live 8.1, which must mean a significant portion of your potential market are unlikely to buy the plugin. It just seems this should be something you could probably avoid with a "cludge" on your side rather than waiting for Ableton to address the issue. My impression is that if your sales are being affected directly by this issue then it makes more sense for you to code around it, whereas Ableton probably don't feel that pressure to fix it themselves.

You've been getting such positive reviews for this plugin in the various audio magazines, it seems a shame that Live users aren't able to enjoy the benefits.


Hi Chrispy,

Well, the latest news I have from the ableton devs, is that they have confirmed to have fixed the bug, but they don't know yet in which future update release it will be included, because they need to test it properly and make sure they don't introduce new bugs...

For us, it's practically impossible to make a workaround for this bug, without changing behaviour in other hosts and making sure everything keeps working like it should... :-/

Let's hope Ableton releases this fix soon,

Floris (FabFilter)

Haven't had this problem In Live 8 with Pro Q but I have had it with the filters in Twin. Also the link filters button not appearing in Volcano 2 when I start from clean, and automation being bypassed on Timeless 2 and others. Ableton just need to get this figured out, but they've got so many problems with so many plugins. I suspect a lot of it is 3rd party issues, but that has Ableton chasing ghosts. Atleast it's established where the issue is in Fabfilter's case and they're communicating and working on getting it fixed. Fingers crossed. Run, do not walk to buy Pro Q- Most Valuable Plugin.


Anyone know if the latest update (8.1.3) to Live fixes this? I can't try, because my Pro-Q demo period expired ages ago...


We can give you a new evaluation period! Just e-mail us using the contact link at the bottom of the page.

Frederik (FabFilter)

Actually, I just tried it on my laptop (where I'd not demo'd before) and it's the same problem unfortunately. So still a no-go for Live users which is a great shame.

It seems Ableton are focusing on fixing loads of bugs currently, but they're probably looking at the ones that affect their usability first rather than those of other vendors I would imagine.


News: We have developed a workaround for this problem which we will release in upcoming updates (end of May).

Also, Ableton says they have a fix ready as well, so the problem should be solved within a month either way!


Frederik (FabFilter)

Yes, I'm experiencing these problems too in Volcano, Timeless 2 and Twin 2. Most of the times the second filter/delay filter skips to a lower value after moving the link point and releasing my mouse button.

In Pro-Q the Q factor indeed changes, which is not desired and common to what was adjusted.

This is in Live Intro 8.0.7.


Well, Ableton has not released a fixed version of Live as of now. But we've introduced a workaround for Live 8's incorrect automation behavior in the latest updates!

See www.fabfilter.com/download


Frederik (FabFilter)

It got much worse in Ableton Live 9.5!

Any news on this? Please help! Do I have to abandon Pro Q 2 now?? I love it!


Ludwig Zibell

Since Ableton doesn't seem to give any priority to solving this longstanding issue in Live, we have now come up with a work-around in version Pro-Q 2 version 2.10. From www.fabfilter.com/news/1489392000/all-fabfilter-pro-plug-ins-updated:

"Added a workaround for a bug in Ableton Live on Mac that could cause the Q parameter for a band to be reset to its minimum value when dragging it around in the AU plug-in version of Pro-Q 2."

You can download the latest versions of all plug-ins via www.fabfilter.com/download


Floris (FabFilter)

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