FabFilter User Forum

FabFilter Pro-Q released!

Hi all!

We have just officially released FabFilter Pro-Q, our high quality, precision EQ plug-in. Check it out at www.fabfilter.com/products/pro-q.php or download from www.fabfilter.com/download


Floris (FabFilter)


I'm trying out the EQ and I have a couple of questions.

1) Is there a way to join points you split or do you have to change the placement and delete the new one?

2) When you click the Global Bypass button the Post-EQ Analyser still shows the EQ'd signal. Is there a way to toggle between the original and EQ'd signals?

I know that the processing mode adds colour to the signal, but are there any plans to add clean/classic operating modes like Pro-C?


Nigel Khan

I tried your new plugin today, because i'm a real fan of your Volcano2, Twin2 and Timeless2!

BUT i miss all the great modulation things in your EQ...
it would be more flexible with it and you can work with it a lot more in musically way.

Marcus Schmahl

1 - You can join points simply by deleting one, then select the other and set its stereo placement to 'stereo' again by clicking the middle 'stereo' button in the stereo placement buttons.
2 - It's correct that Post-EQ mode currently doesn't pay attention to the global bypass parameter, but you can set the analyzer to Pre-EQ instead.

@Marcus: With Pro-Q, we focused on making a precision EQ to use at all times when mixing and mastering. We felt that modulation capabilities would distract from this goal. But we're certainly interested in exploring other EQ possibilities in the future, for example with modulation, dynamics, and character (sound coloration).


Frederik (FabFilter)

I like it. The Mid/Side compression and Undo make it stand out of the crowd. Linear Phase is also a good addition.

I'm undecided if I am going to ditch my PSP neon EQ for this one... it might be a good addition anyway, to have a mid side EQ at hand when needed.

Good job guys!


It's great! But the Q doesn't want to change to fixed position when holding ctrl, it jumps back to default when I release ctrl and the mousebutton. Now I have to make an EQ point and change the Q with the button.

Is this a bug or just the way it works? When selecting multiple EQ points and changing Q with ctrl pressed it keeps the Q value, with a single band it doesn't.


Hi Andre,

What you describe is actually a bug in Ableton live 8.0x. We are in contact with Ableton about this, and they will solve it in one of the upcoming updates of Live (don't know when yet...).

Note: the bug isn't present in earlier versions of Live (7 and before) plus the bug only occurs with the VST version. If you're on Mac, you can use the AU version without problems!


Floris (FabFilter)

Nice plugin!

I'm testing it in a new project(techno). The mid/side option is very usefull, I use it on the channels which have mid/side Pro-C compression on it(percussion). Gives it more character, it really stands out but is also very smooth and precisely adjustable..

So I inserted about 10 Pro-Q's instead of the Cubase channel eq's(disabled those), it took some finetuning and a different approach, but it makes the track sound smoother, transparanter and warmer..

I might end up purchasing this one, just starting out with an open VST DAW, so maybe it's time for a good third party EQ!

Oh BTW, I like the fact that one can double click and type in values via the keyboard and press enter! Can You guy's please apply this option also in the other FF plugin's?



Hi Jovas,

The text input feature is definitely going to be included in future updates of our other plug-ins!

Floris (FabFilter)

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