Request Password Reset

To reset the password of your account, please enter your e-mail address. You will receive an e-mail with a reset link within minutes.

NOTE: If you don't receive an e-mail within 10 minutes (do check your spam folder!), try one of your other e-mail addresses. If the e-mail address associated with your account is no longer in use, please e-mail us so we can update your account.

Your account

Your FabFilter account contains all plug-ins you have purchased from us. We automatically create an account for you on your first purchase. Log in to your account at any time to view your license keys and update your personal information.

Personal discounts

Your account also offers personal upgrade offers, which makes it easy to purchase additional FabFilter plug-ins with great discounts. Once you are a FabFilter customer, you will never pay the full price for a FabFilter plug-in again!

Where's my account?

If you haven't received an e-mail with login details for your account, try to retrieve your password using your e-mail address. Otherwise, just send us an e-mail.

Have an activation code? Activate it now.