FabFilter News

FabFilter Pro-Q 4.02 update released

Feb 27, 2025

We have just released Pro-Q 4.02, which contains various bug fixes and improvements like the new per-band Spectral Tilt parameter. We recommend everyone to download and install this new version. You can verify the version number that's currently installed by clicking Help > About in the Pro-Q 4 interface.

  • Added Spectral Tilt parameter per band. If enabled, a tilt of 3 dB/oct is applied to the input spectrum before it is used to trigger the spectral dynamics processing. By applying this gentle tilt to the spectrum, higher frequencies will trigger slightly more than lower frequencies, which helps to get more natural sounding results.
  • When the plug-in is in Linear Phase processing mode, Character Mode oversampling will now also be linear phase.
  • Improved copying and pasting of bands: if you're pasting bands within the same instance, the pasted bands will now get a small frequency offset so that it's easier to distinguish them from the originally copied bands.
  • If the instance list is used with a DAW that doesn't report the instance track index (e.g. Pro Tools or Logic Pro), instances are now sorted by track name using an improved algorithm that compares numbers in a natural way. For example, "Track 2" is sorted before "Track 10".
  • The instance list now only shows instances from the same project in DAWs that report this information (most VST3 hosts and Pro Tools).
  • All Pass filters will now show as bypassed when the plug-in is in linear phase mode, since they won't have any effect in that case.
  • Fixed a bug that could cause a temporary DC offset in the output when changing the slope of a Low Cut filter at very low slope values (< 6 dB/oct).
  • Fixed a possible crash that could happen in rare cases when enabling Spectral mode for a band.
  • Fixed a bug that could cause audible artifacts when changing the gain or dynamic range of an EQ curve while is was actively applying dynamic changes.
  • Fixed a bug where clicking and dragging the EQ Sketch button could sometimes lead to an area selection instead of an EQ Sketch action.
  • Fixed a bug that could cause Alt+Shift+click on EQ curves (toggling slopes) to skip some of the slope settings or ignore fast clicks.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause the output to be abruptly cut off when stopping playback in some DAWs in combination with ringing, resonant filters.
  • Improved factory presets with more meta data and some small tweaks.
  • Minor bug fixes and improvements.

FabFilter Pro-Q 4.02 is available for download at:

More about Pro-Q 4:

FabFilter Pro-Q 4 is now also available as an AUv3 plug-in on iPad, bringing new features such as EQ Sketch and the instance list to iOS. Of course you can use it in all AUv3 hosts such as Cubasis, Logic Pro, GarageBand and AUM. View our plug-ins for iOS on the App Store here:

To make it easier to migrate sessions from Pro-Q 3 to Pro-Q 4, we have released a new Pro-Q 3.27 version. You can now right-click the presets button in Pro-Q 3 to copy the current settings to the clipboard. You can then paste this into any Pro-Q 4 instance using the Paste button in the preset browser. FabFilter Pro-Q 3.27 is available for download here:

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